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维吉尼亚州新法律7月1日生效, 2020 and Noteworthy Actions by the 维吉尼亚Legislature


Many of the new laws passed in the 2020 legislative session reflect concerns that dominated the news last year, 比如大麻合法化, 大规模枪击和枪支管制. 2021年的会议将, 毫无疑问, have bills introduced reflecting current concerns raised by the Black Lives Matter movement and COVID-19.


Penalties for offenses involving personal 占有 of up to one ounce of marijuana are now a civil violation and no longer a misdemeanor.  持有少量大麻的惩罚现在是最高25美元的罚款, 没有被逮捕, 没有犯罪记录.  刑事 records of similar 占有 by past offenders are now sealed from employers and school administrators. (sb 2/ hb 972)


Background checks are now required for any firearm sale for a commercial transaction or a person-to-person exchange.  枪支展的背景调查以前是可选的,但现在是强制性的.  The VA State Police Department has three days in which to complete the background check before a firearm may be transferred. (hb 2, hb 355)

当一个人对自己或他人造成重大伤害风险时, a law enforcement officer or Commonwealth Attorney may seek an emergency order from a court of law. 该命令可以限制或移除这些人的枪支,并禁止购买, 拥有, 或者运输枪支.  此人将有24小时自愿上交枪支.  Anyone transferring a firearm to a person he knows has been served with a warrant or who is the subject of a substantial risk order is guilty of a Class 4 felony. (HB 674) 

A person subject to a permanent protective order is prohibited from 拥有 a firearm except for 24 hours after being served with the protective order for the purpose of selling or transferring the firearm to an unrestricted person. (HB 1004)

A person who is not a licensed firearms dealer is prohibited from purchasing more than one handgun in a 30-day period. (HB 812) 

Loss or theft of a firearm must be reported to a local law-enforcement agency or the Department of State Police within 48 hours of discovery. (HB 9) 

任何鲁莽留下子弹的人都会受到处罚, unsecured firearm in a manner as to endanger the life or limb of a person under the age of 14 has increased from a Class 3 to a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable with a fine up to $2,500美元,最高12个月监禁. (HB 1083) 

地方可以禁止拥有或携带枪支, 弹药, 或用于政府用途的任何建筑物的组成部分或其任何组合, 任何公园, 任何娱乐或社区中心, 或者任何公共街道, 人行道或路权. (HB 421) 

增税:香烟 & 烟草制品

从每包30美分涨到60美分,香烟税翻了一番. 此外,液体尼古丁产品的税率也有所提高. (HB 1120) 


售价为1美元的枪支保险箱或保险库,500台及以下免征零售及使用税. (SB 268) 


Juveniles committed of crimes and receiving lengthy sentences are now eligible for parole after serving 20 years. (HB 35) 


将性交易评估的名称改为人口交易评估.  根据退伍军人州犯罪委员会的建议, local departments of social services can now interview the alleged child victim or his/her siblings outside the presence and without the consent of a parent, 《澳门亚洲博彩平台排名》, 或者学校官员.  (HB 1006) 


地方可以禁止住房歧视, 就业, 公共设施, 信贷, 以及基于性取向和性别认同的教育. (HB 696) 

Employers must make reasonable accommodations for the known limitations of persons related to pregnancy, 分娩或相关的医疗状况. (hb 827/ sb 712) 


性别, 残疾, 性别认同, and sexual orientation are added as categories of victims whose intentional selection for a hate crime involving assault, 电池, 或者以破坏他人财产为目的的非法侵入会受到更高的惩罚.  The bill also requires such crimes to be reported to the VA State Police central repository of information regarding hate crimes. (hb 618/ sb 179) 


Nonpayment of certain fines or costs will no longer result in a suspension of a VA driver’s license. (hb 1996/ sb 1) 


任何人不得因非法购买而被逮捕或起诉, 占有, 或酒精或管制物品的消费, 公共中毒, or 占有 of controlled paraphernalia if he seeks or obtains emergency medical attention for himself, 如果他嗑药过量, 或者寻求帮助,如果这样的人正在经历过量. (SB 667) 


The requirement to report race on marriage records, divorce and annulment reports is eliminated. (hb 180/ sb 62/ sb 1066) 


Discrimination on the basis of a person’s source of funds is added to the list of unlawful discriminatory housing practices.  The bill defines “source of funds” as any source that lawfully provides funds to or on behalf of a renter or buyer of housing including any assistance, 好处, 或者补贴项目, 无论是政府还是私人. (HB 6) 


最低工资从联邦规定的7美元增加.每小时25美元到9美元.从2021年5月1日起,每小时50美元.  额外增加包括11美元.从2022年1月1日起,每小时12美元.从2023年1月1日起,每小时$13.从2025年1月1日起,每小时50美元,外加15美元.从2026年1月1日起,每小时00美元.  1月1日开始, 2027年及以后, 年度最低工资标准按居民消费价格指数调整. 


取消附有照片的身份证明要求.  接受其他形式的身份证明.  接受一份签署的声明,以代替所需的身份证明表格. (hb 19/ sb 65) 

Absentee ballots from a person entitled to vote that are returned to the general registrar after the closing of the polls on election day but before noon on the third day after the election and postmarked on or before the date of the election shall be counted. (hb 238/ sb 455) 


Financial institutions must report to the local department of social services or the adult protective services hotline within five 业务 days any refusal to execute a transaction, 事务的延迟, or refusal to disburse funds based on a good faith belief that such disbursement or transaction may involve financial exploitation of an adult. (SB 391) 


Holding any handheld personal communications device while driving a motor vehicle is prohibited. (hb 874/ sb 160) 

State and local law enforcement agencies are authorized to operate photo speed monitoring devices in or around school crossing zones and highway work zones. (HB 1442) 

A person who uses a bicycle lane for passing or operates a motor vehicle in a careless or distracted manner and is the proximate cause of serious physical injury to a vulnerable road user (such as a pedestrian, 骑自行车, 使用轮椅的人, 滑板, 溜冰鞋, (或摩托车)犯了一级轻罪(类似于鲁莽驾驶). (SB 437)

鲁莽驾驶的速度从每小时80英里增加到每小时85英里. (hb 885/ sb 63) 


对同性婚姻和民事结合的法定禁令被废除. These statutes were no longer valid based on the United States Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. 霍奇斯(2015年6月). (hb 1490/ sb 17) 


1月15日, 2020年ERA, proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex, 弗吉尼亚州众议院和参议院都批准了这一法案,使其成为第38个也是关键的州.  Due to the long-since expiration of the deadline to reach the required number of states necessary (June 30, 1982), 以及五个州的撤销, 这可能对最终的收养有任何法律影响,也可能没有.  现在进行法律辩论和法院进一步澄清的时机已经成熟. 

这是新法律的部分清单. It’s important to consult an attorney or do further research into any law that impacts you personally. 

凯瑟琳Byler 彭德-科沃德律师事务所的律师专注于房地产领域吗, 业务, 监护, 以及遗产规划事宜.

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