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COVID-19, Workers Compensation Immunity, 以及商业一般责任保险的承保范围

December 18, 2020

有些员工感染了冠状病毒,并声称自己是在工地或办公室被同事感染的.  然后,这些雇员将对雇主提起人身伤害诉讼,要求赔偿金钱损失或, in the case of a fatality, their estate will bring a wrongful death action against the employer.  本文概述了国会和弗吉尼亚州议会提出的立法提案, if enacted, will...

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May 05, 2020

Despite being told that “this is the new normal”, 目前的冠状病毒大流行停工以及整个弗吉尼亚州人们所经历的相关经历都不正常, and the world.  在许多家庭中,父母试图承担新的角色,其中可能包括课堂老师, child entertainer, and in some cases, a full-time spouse.  每个家庭都有自己的动态,发展成为他们的“常态”。...

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New Unemployment Benefits Under the CARES Act

April 24, 2020

The recently enacted Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, known as the CARES Act, 包括三个新的联邦资助项目,为工人提供额外的失业补偿.  While the federal government is providing the funding, 这些项目将由各州管理,作为其失业保险制度的一部分. What follows is a brief summary of each program.PANDEMIC UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCEThe CARES Act creates...

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April 24, 2020

UPDATED 4/27/20 - Virginia Governor signed the legislation.我们的社区协会实践小组一直在回答有关董事会就其在当前COVID-19大流行期间开展协会业务的能力提出的许多问题.  Currently, 弗吉尼亚业主协会法案和弗吉尼亚共管公寓法案, 要求至少有两名董事亲自出席董事会会议,以便其余的时间...

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April 23, 2020

When one thinks of the seamen of old or of modern times, images of sailing across the deep, blue ocean between continents on wooden sailing ships or, perhaps, 我想到的是乘坐超大型集装箱船远航.  These “blue water” seamen, however, 他们只占了维持我们经济运行的船只上工作人员的一小部分.  大多数船只在离家较近的水域航行,包括拖船、拖船、引航船、...

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Co-Parenting During Lockdown in Virginia

April 17, 2020

Faced with a worldwide pandemic, governors across the country have issued, for the first time in my lifetime, 普遍的居家令实际上关闭了我们的生活方式.  虽然这对正常家庭来说是一个极其困难的过渡, 在当前这场危机中必须与另一位父母共同抚养孩子的人正经历着非同寻常的困难. 即使在最好的条件下,有时也很难与孩子的另一半合作...

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April 17, 2020

Amid the health and economic crisis created by COVID-19, landlords, property managers, 而商业地产的租户也在争相获取信息,并制定新的政策. 总统和州长的简报改变了企业在很少或没有预警的情况下开展业务的方式.  What makes sense one day, may not be an option the next.显而易见的是,新冠肺炎大流行正在给企业带来经济动荡吗....

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April 16, 2020

人们似乎普遍认为,在COVID-19大流行期间,房东可能不会驱逐住宅租户. 像大多数信仰一样,它植根于事实,但细节可能令人惊讶.On March 16, 2020, 弗吉尼亚州最高法院为应对COVID-19发布了一项紧急司法命令,在21天内基本上停止了所有案件.  3月27日,最高法院将禁令延长了21天.  At the present time, all civil matters are...

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April 15, 2020

从事建筑相关活动的企业, whether on public or private projects, including owners, contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers, as well as sureties under payment and performance bonds, 新冠病毒的影响会带来新的、具有挑战性的法律问题吗.  虽然某些类型的项目被认为是必不可少的, others have not, resulting in job shutdowns and...

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April 13, 2020

(UPDATED April 22, 2020年)国会通过了重大立法,以解决COVID-19大流行造成的经济和健康问题,目前正在考虑对法律进行进一步修改.  政府机构定期为企业和个人提供法规和指导,以了解这些法律如何影响他们,以及可以获得哪些新的福利.我们编制了下面的链接,以帮助客户和社区成员找到相关的...

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